My Books

Abandoned by his father at the age of seven, Isaac Miller embarks upon a thirteen-year journey to fight his way out of a life of crime, drugs, mediocrity, and poverty. Using his teenage imagination and work ethic as his guide, Isaac provides for his family, including his schizophrenic mother, and fights his way to becoming an entrepreneur at the age of seventeen. Through his story, Isaac demonstrates how you can start with nothing and still live your dreams. Just Get Up teaches you how to capture your own life's dreams through exposing your inner genius. This guided tour of self-development will teach you how to unlock your life's true treasures. It will appeal to all people seeking a real-life inspirational story of overcoming adversities. Along your journey, you will find The Limelight Spot Effect, The 27-Month Plan, and The Octagon Way as you build your own success through his Just Get Up program. Isaac invites you to Just Get Up and tap into your unlimited potential as you discover your inner genius one chapter at a time.
Experts & Influencers
Co-Authored Chapter Bridge To Becoming a Powerful Leader
"We are honored and excited to bring this powerful book featuring over 18 experts that are committed to helping you SHINE powerfully in leadership!
Our vision is to have our experts share insights, tips, tools, and wisdom in the area of leadership to support you powerfully on your journey. We know leadership is not a solo journey and by coming together our goal is to help you step further into and more powerfully into your gifts, talents, and abilities as leaders. Together, as we lift each other up, we are all able to grow, reach more people, and have a greater impact than we do trying to do everything on our own.
In each chapter, our authors (all leadership experts and influencers) will equip and empower you to more fully step forward as a powerful leader. I believe this book is a living and interactive book that will speak wisdom, encouragement, and power into your life. I want to invite you to pause, take a deep breath, and be ready to receive these powerful chapters so they can ignite a fire in you, inspire courage in you, and focus to step fully into the leader that you are called to be.
Now it’s your turn. Are you going to lean in and learn from the wisdom within this book? Will you let us walk beside you on your journey of life? We want to lift you up, support you, encourage, and empower you in the area of leadership."

Coming Soon
The Blueprint for Living Inspired (Self-help/spirituality)
The Bridge to Success (Self-help)
How to Scratch Your Itch to Succeed: 32 Laws that Will Lead to Your Success (Self-development)
The Octagon Way: The Secret to Reprogramming Your Subconscious Mind (Self-help/psychology)
The Music Within Your Heart (Romance)
Against the Grain (Crime-thriller)
Who’s Going to Teach Us? (Historical novel)
Tulsa (Crime-thriller)
Above All (Inspirational novel)
Jump In Jump Out (Drama/Sci-fi)
Yoked Apart (Romance)
One Flight Away (Romance)
Go for It (Romance)
The Focus of Truth (Philosophy/Self-help)
A Quote A Day To Keep The Negativity Away (Motivational)